
Pure Raspberry Seed Oil

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We use exceptionally high-quality Raspberry Seed Oil and Raspberry C02 Extract Oil from Chilean grown organic raspberries, made in a way that preserves the vital integrity of the fruit's benefits. 
  • Raspberry seed oil is packed with vitamin A which heals UV damage and repairs the skin cells. The ellagic acid in raspberry seed oil helps with skin cell regeneration, an important factor that you should always look for in skin care products if you have sun damaged skin. Signs of sun damaged skin include deep wrinkles, leathery texture, dryness, discoloration, sunspots, new or unusual markings and hyper-pigmentation. 
  • This Oil contains high levels of vitamin E which is a potent antioxidant that reduces free radicals that cause premature aging. Combined with the regenerative powers of vitamin A, phytosterols and ellagic acid, this beauty oil can reduce collagen destruction, renew skin and keep your skin looking bright and youthful. 
  • Raspberry seed oil is high in linoleic acid which is anti-inflammatory and helps to reduce clogged pores and acne. Oils high in linoleic acid are often chosen for their stellar acne treatment benefits. Applying linoleic acid-rich oils can help make our sebum more fluid so it can easily flow out of our pores and reduce breakouts. This is a fantastic benefit in addition to the SPF, seeing how many conventional sunscreens can actually clog pores. Raspberry seed oil is completely non-comedogenic!
  • Raspberry seed oil has anti-inflammatory qualities, making it soothing and healing for sensitive skin, those with dermatitis, eczema or even babies! To boost it's benefits, use raspberry seed oil in combination with other powerful anti-inflammatory oils such as Blue Tansy, Chamomile or Blue Yarrow. Infuse some dried calendula flowers into your raspberry seed oil to make a sensitive baby oil, or smooth it over areas of dermatitis or eczema.

This product is not an SPF rated sunscreen. Prolonged exposure to sun without spf sunscreen is not recommended. This is not a substitute for spf rated sunscreen and should not be mixed with sunscreen, which could dilute the sunscreen's benefits.


Our Raspberry Seed Oil color may vary batch to batch. Product may be prone to sediment due to the presence of naturally occurring waxes, particularly when exposed to cold temperatures.

Ingredients:*Organically Grown Chilean Rubus ideaus(raspberry seed oil), Certified Organic Chilean Raspberry C02 Extract Oil (Supercritical Co2 Total).

30 ml Bottle

  • *Rubus ideaus(raspberry seed oil) Botanical Equivalent to SPF 28-50 -  UVA and UVB protection afforded by raspberry seed oil is reportedly similar to titanium dioxide with an SPF protection factor against UVB rays of 28-50, and an SPF protection factor against UVA rays of around 8. Contains potent anti-oxidants and vitamin E to fight free radicals and regenerate skin cells and improve tone/elasticity. Please note, protection varies depending on a multitude of factors.



Wilder North cannot be held responsible for any actions made, implied or expressed by anyone as a result of the above content. 

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are in no way intended to heal, prevent or treat any illness. Please consult your doctor if you are seeking medical advice.

The above content contains information and references from our Gua Sha article. Please go to HERE to view all applicable cited references.

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