



We know you're thirsty for natural alternative wellness solutions and so we have compiled our favorites to share with you.

These are only products, brands and practitioners that we love & trust.



*We have partnered with these brands as a sponsor.


New Zealand Honey Co.

We've trusted New Zealand Honey Co for over 5 years with our skin, but it's absolutely therapeutic for consumption. This is the ONLY manuka honey we recommend, due to their integrity, transparency and quality.


The Healing Rose


CBD is an important self care step I discovered in my 30s, to releive stress and improve sleep. I love the healing rose's range of products, cannabinoids, and commitment to quality. They plan to come out with a face serum later this year as well!


Lotus Garden Botanicals

Our most trusted local source of high quality essential oils. Nothing compares to their painstaking quality assurance process and exotic offerings from across the globe.

We admire the meticulous quality standards their founder has implemented. Founder Karen Yarnold sources direct from distillers. "Regular visits to distillers located around the world, ranging from small artisan to large producers, ensure premium quality aromatherapy products that meet the high standards of Lotus Garden Botanicals. An additional level of quality assurance is in place by GC-MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrum) testing essential oils."


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