
Double Cleansing Duo

MSRP: $97.00
Now: $92.00
(You save $5.00 )


Alternate your cleansing ritual with our favorite 2 cleansers. We find the best skin results when choosing your cleanser accordingly:

Blue Chamomile Cleansing Oil 50ml: 

  • When you feel like your skin needs extra moisture
  • When your skin feels particularly grimy
  • When you need to remove extra makeup
  • When you have time to do a facial massage
  • When you're experiencing breakouts or congestion

Coconut Chamomile Powder Cleanser 100ml:

  • When your skin is feeling balanced
  • AM Cleanse
  • When your skin hasn't been subjected to too much sweat or makeup
  • When you crave a bit more exfoliation
  • When you're short on time
  • When you don't need as much moisture, ie. summertime



9.00 (in)
6.00 (in)
3.00 (in)

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