
Clear Quartz Eye Mask

Now: $120.00
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The stone is naturally cool to the touch. However, putting the mask in the fridge before use will make it an extra nice treat. The Chi Jade Mask can also be used warm by simply soaking it in hot water for a few minutes. Make sure the mask is dry and not too hot for the skin before laying over the face. Whether hot or cool, feel the tensions fall away, lines soften and soul rejuvenated. 

How to use:
After using your serum of choice and/or crystal roller, lay the cool mask over eyes while feeling tension dissolve. Leave on as long as you wish. Turn the mask upside down and lay over the mouth and jaw area to soothe lines and tension around these pent up areas.

  • Size: 10 inches x 4 inches
  • Thread color is white or pink

How to care for your Rose Quartz Mask:

These are delicate, always handle with care. Gently blot dry with a soft cloth or hand rinse with water and gentle soap after each use. Pat dry with a towel and lay flat to dry completely on a dry towel.

Stone size and color may vary due to handmade nature. Small imperfections are common in natural stone. Thread colors can vary from white to shades of pink. Please email us if you would like to request your preference.

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