
Liv graceful age serum

Now: $63.00
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formerly "MINIMALIST"


NAME ORIGIN: "Liv", simply drawn from the word Olive, or from the Latin "oliva" - paying homage to the olive squalane oil present in this serum. At the same time, giving a nod to LIVE, as this serum is intended to support our living microbiome and supports skin throughout all phases of life.
GOAL: Support graceful aging with simplicity

USE: As Needed

FRAGRANCE NOTES: Lightly nutty, Fragrance-Free(no essential oils or fragrance added)


SKINTYPE: All - yes even sensitive!

WHY WE LOVE IT: It does all the heavy lifting. It's the only product you really need for cleansing, moisture, toning, acne, wrinkles and inflammation.

BENEFITS: We dreamed up one product to do it all, simplify your skin care routine and minimize the amount of makeup you apply. The Liv serum is a powerhouse of lipid-rich Argan Oil, Marula Oil & Prickly Pear Seed Oil with boosting agents of moisture-rich, organic plant-derived Squalane and brightening White Peony Root. Ultra Low-comedogenic, the Minimalist Oil will never clog pores or cause breakouts. This lipid-rich oil is suitable to use on your face, lips, neck, decollette, body, cuticles and hair.  Toss the foundation!



 CRUELTY-FREE INGREDIENTS: *argan oil, *Marula oil, *prickly pear seed oil, *olive derived squalane, *white peony root. * denotes Clean Ingredients - certified organic, wild harvested or non-gmo.


* - Results and preferences vary. Those in moderate climates agree that this product can replace most others. The statements above are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent medical conditions or disease.

We strongly recommend a clean and healthy diet + exercise + plenty of water every day to make your skin glow from the inside out!




Wilder North LLC cannot be held responsible for any actions made, implied or expressed by anyone as a result of the above content or product. The above statements, information and products have not been evaluated by the FDA. This information and product are in no way intended to heal, prevent or treat any illness, allergies, disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor if you are seeking medical advice. Please consult your doctor before using this product if you have a medical condition, nursing, pregnant or have allergies. This product is intended for adult use and should not be used on children without consulting a doctor first.

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