
Rose Frank Hydrosol (Limited)

Now: $48.00
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Rose Damask & Frankincense Carterii Hydrosols

Frankincense is a powerful astringent which speeds up the resolution of acne, protects skin from bacteria and encourages the appearance of tightened skin. Frankincense helps to fade scars, regulates sebum, tones uneven skin, promotes renewal, minimalizes fine lines & wrinkles, and moisturizes dry skin. Rose is an amazing humectant which helps to hold moisture to the skin. Rose is ultra rejuvenating, toning and soothing. It has the ability to diminish the appearance of broken capillaries and restores moisture.

Ingredients: *Frankincense Hydrosol, *rose alba hydrosol, radish root ferment filtrate.

SCENT: Floral, Amber, Citrus, Wood and Spicey Resinous

The scents of fresh plants, resins and flowers do not usually translate identically into hydrosol. Hydrosols tend to be an earthier version of the fresh plant. 

Directions: Mist several pumps over face and neck before applying any oils or serums.


For topical Use Only, consult your doctor before using if you are nursing or pregnant. 


 Read more about Frankincense on our Blog 

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