
Mini Beauty Balms - your choice

Now: $25.00 - $33.00
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 Details of each beauty balm can be found by clicking on each below

I know that frustration, when you order a full sized beauty product, only to discover it doesn't work for your skin! That's why we offer trial sizes, so you can watch your skin results over a 30-day period and only re-invest if your skin loves them! Each concentrated beauty balm trial will last approximately 20-30 days.

➳♥ Astera sensitive balm (15ml) - best for: INFLAMMATION | ECZEMA | ACNE | MOISTURE  (this item has no been upgraded to our new packaging yet, and comes in a plastic trial size jar)

BENEFITS: Some of us just can't find a product that doesn't anger our sensitive skin. Extremely sensitive skin can be frustrating because it's hard to pinpoint what is causing the inflammation. Look no further! Blue Serenity Beauty Balm has been carefully formulated with active ingredients chosen to ease eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, inflammation, counteract allergens, nourish and regenerate damaged skin cells. This deeply penetrating moisturizing serum will not clog pores but instead will tighten pores and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Developed with three essential oils containing azulene, this organic compound is known for its extreme anti-inflammatory properties which are ideal for stressed, damaged or acne-prone skin. Your skin will be enveloped in Blue Serenity and you'll notice an overall reduction of redness and drastic improvement in complexion.

➳♥ Nectar manuka honey balm (15ml) - best for: RENEWAL | ACNE | INFLAMMATION | MOISTURE (this item has no been upgraded to our new packaging yet, and comes in a plastic trial size jar)

Benefits: This heavenly concentrated honeybee balm is ultra powerful, healing, and regenerative. The amazingly strong anti-bacterial properties of manuka honey will treat acne as well as reduce allergenic skin issues like dermatitis. Bee products are notorious for improving collagen production while promoting skin cell regeneration to reveal youthful, radiant skin. The sweet smell of manuka honey and jasmine will envelope your senses and sink deep into your pores for the ultimate facial treat. The Manuka Nectar beauty balm is gentle enough for delicate areas such as under eyes, neck, decolletage, but powerful enough for entire face and body, cuticles, lips, dry elbows, knees or feet. Use under makeup, as a night treatment or mix with your favorite serum. This beauty balm is one of our best acne treatments.

➳♥ Perennia dynamic balm (Luxury Trial Size 15ml) - best for ALL SKIN | MOISTURE | RENEWAL | GLOW (this size does not have flowers on top)

Flower-infused, Smooth, melty and lightly scented... this botanical beauty is a blend of Argan oil, shea butter and wildflower honey. This floral powerhouse is then blended natures pretty little wonders for a multitude of skin benefits. Argan oil plays a major roll combating free radicals, treating acne and restoring skin elasticity while the flower line-up covers literally every skin ailment you can think of. The Wild Blossom Beauty Balm a favorite for everyone, of all skin-types.  (this size does not come topped with flowers)

  * Please refer to our website or reference your ingredient card for directions and ingredients.*




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