
Glacial clarifying masque

Now: $73.00
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Goal: Resolve acne & blemishes while calming signs of inflamation

Use: As needed, preferably evening

Fragrance Notes: Earthy green notes and citrusy frankincense. Essential Oil & Fragrance-Free

Skin type: All, especially damaged, irritated and dry skin

Benefits: Frankincense has long been our super ingredient for resolving acne without harming the skin's fragile barrier. It is a powerful astringent which speed sup the resolution of acne, protects skin from bacteria and fades the appearance of scars. Glacial clay rejuvenates dull, lackluster skin and energizes its appearance. It is remarkably effective at both absorbing impurities and gently exfoliating dead skin cells. Together with our proprietary blend of soothing herbs, Glacial masque gently treats painful, inflamed, acneic skin that conventional products may only exacerbate.

Texture: Clay & Oil Based, this mask has a thick spreadable texture and can be removed with a warm cloth. If residual oil remains on skin, buff away once more with a warm damp cloth. 

Color is subject to vary based on the natural ingredients used. 

Directions: Apply a liberal amount to face. This mask applies best with a cosmetic spatula. Remove with a warm damp cloth.  Consult a doctor if nursing or pregnant.


50 ML 


Ingredients: *hemp seed oil, *glacial clay blended with *frankincense rivae resin, *colloidal oatmeal, *jojoba oil macerated with frankincense resin, *cromollient(light emulsifier), *chamomile flower, *calendula flower, *comfrey flower, *sapogel Q(light gelling agent).   * = clean ingredients - organic, wildcrafted or non-gmo






Wilder North LLC cannot be held responsible for any actions made, implied or expressed by anyone as a result of the above content or product. The above statements, information and products have not been evaluated by the FDA. This information and product are in no way intended to heal, prevent or treat any illness, allergies, disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor if you are seeking medical advice. Please consult your doctor before using this product if you have a medical condition, nursing, pregnant or have allergies. This product is intended for adult use and should not be used on children without consulting a doctor first.

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