
EO-Free Primrose wildbiome cleansing oil

Now: $62.00
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Our beloved Primrose wildbiome cleansing oil, but free of essential oils - with the addition of whole rosemary and lavender flower.

INTENTION: Deeply purify skin, resolve acne & irritation without disrupting our precious micro-biome. Our beloved gentle cleanser is artisan crafted with valuable plant oils known to be most effective at loosening excess sebum, toxins and impurities, even dissolving blackheads. The harmonizing blend of botanicals maintains the skin barrier and discourages trans-epidermal water loss.  Evening primrose oil is known for it's ability to soothe inflammation while her companion chamomile flower calms distressed skin. Finished with a 6 week infusion of locally sourced whole lavender flower, chamomile flower and rosemary leaf, this fragrance-free lullebye of purifying ingredients will deep clean even the most irritated skin and leave it feeling nourished and dewy - never stripped, tight or dry like conventional cleansers.  



Notes from the Founder

A CLEANSING OIL is exactly what the name implies, pure Oil. Mother earth has provided us lipid-rich, phyto-nutrient-packed plant oils that are incredible at pulling impurities from our skin. The right combination of oils can not only purify, but soothe, moisturize, balance, and nourish our skin without harming our microbiome or acid mantle. No additives needed, no emulsifiers, no surfactants or preservatives. Massaging Oil directly onto dry skin attracts the oil-soluable impurities and excess sebum in our pores. Once attracted, we warm our face to loosen everything and then buff away the oil+impurities with a warm washcloth. This method keeps pores clear but our skin stays dewy and nourished, we don't get that tight feeling so many of us are accustomed to. When removed properly, we should not feel like an oil-slick. Our skin should feel like we just came from a facial - because you actually just gave yourself a mini facial! Please note: this product is infused with whole botanicals and therefore sediment is normal. Shake gently before using.

Additional Details

Skin Condition:
Sensitive, Normal, Congested, Acneic
Percentage of Organic Ingredients:
Essential Oil Dilution:
50ml / 1.33 fl oz Pump Bottle

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