
Copper Bristle Skin Brush

Now: $48.00
(You save $17.00 )

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Dry skin brushing is one of the best ways to cleanse the skin without removing the protective mantle of acid and oils. It gently and effectively removes the top layer of dead skin cells with its build-up of dirt and acid, and deeply cleanses the pores. Regular dry brushing towards the heart can stimulate circulation and detoxification. 


Anti-bacterial in nature, Copper is a relieving mineral known to be a powerful conductor of energy and helps promote circulation and purification. Copper is an essential nutrient to humans and considered to purify and increase energy. It can reduce visible symptoms associated with inflammation due to it's ability to draw or "disburse" heat from tissues. There is also evidence that copper can promote collagen & elastin, strengthening and renewing the skin and boosting hyalauronic acid which visibly plumps and hydrates skin. All of these benefits make copper the ideal material to practice gentle body stimulation and sculpting to reduce the appearance of cellulite and stimulate the scalp for healthier hair and relaxed face.


  • made of beech wood & copper
  • listing is for 1 brush



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