
Copper Brass Gua Sha & Acupressure Tool

Now: $55.00
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Brass is made from a combination of copper and zinc. There is a significant amount of copper in brass. Anti-bacterial in nature, Copper is a relieving mineral known to be a powerful conductor of energy and helps promote circulation and purification. Copper is an essential nutrient to humans and considered to purify and increase energy. It can reduce visible symptoms associated with inflammation due to it's ability to draw or "disburse" heat from tissues. There is also evidence that copper can promote collagen & elastin, strengthening and renewing the skin and boosting hyalauronic acid which visibly plumps and hydrates skin. All of these benefits make copper the ideal material to practice gentle body stimulation.


  • Listing is for 1 tool including protective pouch
  • Made of Brass (Copper & zinc)
  • this comb was designed by Guangxi Nanning Jiansu
  • Copper is a metal which develops it's own patina over time, changing colors, often to blue-green. This is a normal and magical feature which we want you to treasure, as no single tool will age like another.

  (This tool is not currently eligible for additional discounts or promo codes)





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The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are in no way intended to heal, prevent or treat any illness or medical condition. Please consult your doctor if you are seeking medical advice.
The above content contains information and references from our Gua Sha article. Please go to HERE to view all applicable cited references.
This Gua Sha Tool design and information on this page is the intellectual property of Wilder North LLC, and may not be copied. Feel free to share this page and reference this information in your own words for educational purposes.

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