
Cambria Cream Cleanser & Masque

Now: $45.00
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formerly "Coconut Chamomile"


GOAL: Gentle Nourishing Skin purification for sensitive skin

USE: Daily

SKINTYPE: Sensitive to Normal & Congested Skin. Wonderful for all!

WHY WE LOVE IT: Leaves skin silky soft and hydrated, never tight.

SCENT: soothing chamomile and coconut milk+ herbal notes of rosemary & lavender.


BENEFITS: Cambria Cream Cleanser is a soothing blend especially wonderful for sensitive skin. It's superfine powdered ingredients are activated into a creamy cleanser when you add a few drops of water and blend with your fingertips. Super-hydrating Coconut Milk contains 4 key acids which soothe and cleanse skin of harmful bacterial that can cause acne. It's highly replenishing with both antioxidants and vitamin C, necessary for healthy skin. Combined with soothing oats, blue cambrian clay and our proprietary blend of blue essential oils known to calm visible symptoms of inflammation, this dreamy cleanser is a must-have alternative to Oil Cleansing.

Directions: Pour approximately 1 tsp into the palm of your hand, activate the botanicals by dribbling a few drops of water and blend with fingertips until the mixture has a lotion-consistency. Take your time massaging into face, paying special attention to areas of concern. Rinse clean and follow up with your favorite hydrating mist and serum.


Ingredients: *cocus nucifera(coconut) milk, *white kaolin clay, *blue cambrian clay, *Avena sativa(colloidal oat) flour, *Matricaria chamomilla(blue chamomile) essential oil, *Tanacetum annuum(blue tansy) essential oil, *Lavandula(lavender) essential oil, *Salvia rosmarinus(rosemary) essential oil. * Denotes Clean Ingredients (certified organic, wild harvested or non-gmo)

Choose your size:

  •  100ml glass bottle


Wilder North LLC cannot be held responsible for any actions made, implied or expressed by anyone as a result of the above content or product. The above statements, information and products have not been evaluated by the FDA. This information and product are in no way intended to heal, prevent or treat any illness, allergies, disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor if you are seeking medical advice. Please consult your doctor before using this product if you have a medical condition, nursing, pregnant or have allergies. This product is intended for adult use and should not be used on children without consulting a doctor first.

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