
Bright Juniper Hydrosol (Seasonal)

Now: $48.00
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This is a limited batch from our seasonal RARE NATIVE collection of simple artisan hydrosols native to the North East.

Our own artisan hydro distilled, Juniper Hydrosol. We harvest juniper leaves and distill the fresh hydrosol and essential oil using water from the natural aquifer beneath our land. This hydrosol is wonderful for mature, sensitive or acneic skin.

Benefits of Juniper: Juniper, like most other evergreens is packed with vitamin C. It has soothing properties, making it a good choice for inflamed or irritated skin and acne. It also helps promote movement of fluids, flushing away toxins and bringing vital nutrients and oxygen to the skin's surface. 

Scent: Bright Evergreen with an herbaceous note

Ingredients: 100% Pure, Wild Harvested Juniper Leaves and aquifer water, radish root ferment filtrate.

Recommended Application: Mist several pumps into your chosen mask blend or spritz over face. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR USE WHILE PREGNANT OR BREASTFEEDING.


 some of our limited batch hydrosols do not have ingredient labels, please reference this web page.



Wilder North cannot be held responsible for any actions made, implied or expressed by anyone as a result of this guidance.

The above statements are for educational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are in no way intended to heal, prevent or treat any illness. Please consult your doctor if you are seeking medical advice.

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