
Boreala alleviating mist

Now: $63.00
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Pronounced “Borl-ee-al-ah”

Named for the region and forest in Canada dominated with conifer trees such as Balsam - a hero ingredient close to our heart here in the North East.

GOAL: Hydrate and Soothe Irritated Skin, Invigorate Circulation

USE: Daily


SKIN CONDITION: All - yes even sensitive! 


WHY WE LOVE IT: Its like being misted with forest rain

BENEFITS:  Boreala alleviating mist both soothes and stimulates skin with invigorating balsam fir. Chamomile hydrolat has calming affect on inflammation while cedar promotes healthy circulation and flow of vital fluids. It gently treats acne, redness and swelling without drying or irritating. A gentle sigh of relief to help your skin feel healthy, fresh and radiant.

Ingredients:  *Abies balsamea var. balsamea(Balsam Fir hydrosol), *Chamaemelum nobile(roman chamomile hydrosol), *leucidal liquid complete(radish root ferment), *Cupressus torulosa(himalayan cedar wood essential oil), *Chamaecyparis lawsoniana(port orford cedar wood essential oil).

* Denotes Clean Ingredients (certified organic, wild harvested, or non-gmo)

Directions: Shake Gently. Use on clean skin, mist your face & neck with 4-5 pumps. Press into skin until fully absorbed, repeating if necessary. Follow with your Wilder North serum. Consult your doctor if nursing or pregnant. 

Particles may be visible in this solution and are a natural bi-product of the natural preservative, leucidal liquid. Essential oils in this mist may separate, shake well before each use.

(NEW LARGER SIZE) 100 ml / 3.33 oz Glass Mist Bottle


Wilder North LLC cannot be held responsible for any actions made, implied or expressed by anyone as a result of the above content or product. The above statements, information and products have not been evaluated by the FDA. This information and product are in no way intended to heal, prevent or treat any illness, allergies, disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor if you are seeking medical advice. Please consult your doctor before using this product if you have a medical condition, nursing, pregnant or have allergies. This product is intended for adult use and should not be used on children without consulting a doctor first.

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