Raspberry Seed Oil Skin Benefits

Raspberry Seed Oil Skin Benefits

Published by Marissa Masterson on Feb 9th 2021

One of the best things you can do for your skin this summer is apply raspberry seed oil.

Raspberry seed oil has a wealth of skin benefits in addition to being a fantastic sunscreen. I'm giving you the long list of benefits so you can score your summer glow and leave sunburns behind forever.

SPF Benefits

UV or Ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause permanent damage to our skin by damaging our skin's cellular DNA, causing skin cancer and premature aging. In fact, it can cause melanoma, which is the most deadly form of skin cancer, killing more than 8,000 Americans per year. 

UVA long wave rays penetrate to the deepest layer of our skin, the dermis. UVA rays are present during all daylight hours and can even penetrate clouds and glass. UVA contributes to and can initiate the development of cancer at the basil level. UVA is the prodominant tanning ray, present from the sun and in tanning beds. 

UVB short wave rays penetrate the surface of our skin, causing sun burns and even cancer. UVB is the main culprit in sunburns and skin reddening, they are strongest between 10am-4pm, April through October.

According to a  study done in 2000Raspberry seed oil's SPF(Sun Protection Factor) is rated at a value of 28-50 for UVB Rays and 6.75 - 7.5 for UVA Rays - making it Broad Spectrum. In this study, it was concluded that raspberry seed oil is comparable to the protection provided from titanium dioxide, a common conventional sunscreen ingredient which . It's high on the list of natural oils that protect your skin from the sun. Look for sunscreens that include raspberry seed oil to take advantage of it's protective properties.

 10 Things you should know about summer sunscreen

UV Damage Control

Raspberry seed oil is packed with vitamin A which heals UV damage and repairs the skin cells. The ellagic acid in raspberry seed oil helps with skin cell regeneration, an important factor that you should always look for in skin care products if you have sun damaged skin. Signs of sun damaged skin include deep wrinkles, leathery texture, dryness, discoloration, sunspots, new or unusual markings and hyper-pigmentation. 

Damaged skin is serious and can lead to cancer, if you notice anything unusual, consult your dermatologists. We recommend getting your skin checked for cancer spots once per year, more often if you are frequently in the sun.

5 of the best natural oils with spf protection

natural sunscreen


Raspberry seed oil contains high levels of vitamin E which is a potent antioxidant that reduces free radicals that cause premature aging. Combined with the regenerative powers of vitamin A, phytosterols and ellagic acid, this beauty oil can reduce collagen destruction, renew skin and keep your skin looking bright and youthful. 


Raspberry seed oil is high in linoleic acid which is anti-inflammatory and helps to reduce clogged pores and acne. Oils high in linoleic acid are often chosen for their stellar  acne treatment benefits. Applying linoleic acid-rich oils can help make our sebum more fluid so it can easily flow out of our pores and reduce breakouts. This is a fantastic benefit in addition to the SPF, seeing how many conventional sunscreens can actually clog pores. Raspberry seed oil is completely non-comedogenic!

Find out more about acne treatment oils here!


Raspberry seed oil has anti-inflammatory qualities, making it soothing and healing for sensitive skin, those with dermatitis, eczema or even babies! To boost it's benefits, use raspberry seed oil in combination with other powerful anti-inflammatory oils such as Blue Tansy, Chamomile or Blue Yarrow. Infuse some dried calendula flowers into your raspberry seed oil to make a sensitive baby oil, or smooth it over areas of dermatitis or eczema.

Hair Repair

Raspberry seed oil is high in folic acid(or vitamin B). Folic acid is essential for the maintenance of healthy skin and hair. Include raspberry seed oil in your beauty routine as a hair conditioner, to protect locks from root to tip, strengthen, soften and shine. Try combining raspberry seed oil with famously hair-healthy argan oil for your prettiest, most touchable hair ever!

Where to purchase natural Raspberry Seed Oil Skin Products

We’re dedicated to creating the purest, cruelty-free, skin care which is in line with your natural values and healthy lifestyle.

Our thoughtful formulations are honestly natural and active, so you don’t have to worry about toxic fillers, which means you can feel like the best version of your healthiest self."

raspberry seed oil




Wilder North Botanicals cannot be held responsible for any actions made, implied or expressed by anyone as a result of this guidance.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are in no way intended to heal, prevent or treat any illness. Please consult your doctor if you are seeking medical advice.


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