How and why you should exfoliate your skin

How and why you should exfoliate your skin

Published by Marissa Masterson on Feb 9th 2021

Exfoliation is key to every skin care ritual. It's how we remove dead skin cells and toxins from the surface of the skin which can make our skin look dull, flakey and cause congestion that may lead to blemishes. Exfoliation removes the debris and reveals the younger cells so our skin care products can be more easily absorbed deeply and effectively. It's not only important for your face but also for your entire body so you can be your most radiant self. 

The 3 methods of exfoliation:

Mechanical Exfoliation

The most common method, this method involves using a product or sponge to gently abrase the skin which will slough off dead tissues and cells. It also helps to bring blood flow to the surface of the skin which oxygenates cells and gives skin a healthy glow. The  konjac sponge is a popular tool for this exfoliation method, but we recommend using a very soft sponge to avoid damaging your sensitive tissue. Other products for mechanical exfoliation include scrubs or polishes. These are usually salt, sugar, coffee or wax beads mixed with natural oils or cleansing ingredients. To exfoliate with a scrub, you gently massage a small amount into the skin in an outwardly circular motion. The benefit of these products is that you are simultaneously sloughing off dead skin while infusing your new skin cells with skin-loving ingredients. Find the Argan Republic Rose Gold Face & Body Polish here.

Clay Exfoliation

There is some argument over whether or not clay is an exfoliant. I do consider clay to be an exfoliant and you're about to hear why. Applying a  clay mask is not only a way to exfoliate the surface of your skin, but to also pull impurities out of your pores. Clays have extremely strong drawing properties which suck oils, toxins and dirt right out of your pores much the way a pore strip does. Different types of clay have different strengths, so you'd want to avoid a high power clay such as French Green Clay if you have sensitive skin. A better option would be a mild rose kaolin clay. Clays can be applied to the face mixed with water, natural oil, toner or honey. If using a water based mixture, the clay will tighten as it dries and you may feel a slight pulsing sensation. If using an oil mixture, the mask will not dry and you can leave it on your face longer for improved benefits. As you wipe away or rinse your mask, you are washing away the dead skin cells and impurities. Like mechanical exfoliation, this method is great because you can deliver important ingredients to your skin while exfoliating away the bad guys. 

Chemical Exfoliation

This method probably makes you think of red, painful chemical peels but you don't have to go that far. The term chemical is a general term including Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Retinol, Enzymes, and beta hydroxy acids such as salicylic acid. These chemicals dissolve the intercellular glue that holds dead cells together. My personal favorite is fruit enzymes like pineapple. Pineapple contains a chemical called bromelain which breaks down proteins, meaning it can easily dissolve that glue which is holding onto the dead skin cells. Chemical exfoliants can be done by a professional esthetician or dermatologist, but there are some products you may use at home. 

How often to exfoliate

This depends on your skin type and method chosen. People with sensitive skin should use the least abrasive method, using only mild clays, soft sugar scrubs and fruit enzymes 1-2 times per week. If your skin isn't sensitive, its safe to exfoliate every other day. See how your skin responds and make adjustments from there. 

We put the power of pineapple enzyme and clay to work in our  Manuka Orchid Facial... not only that but it contains ground hibiscus petals and bee propolis which act as a mechanical exfoliant, the best of all three methods in one heavenly facial! Find all of our clay masks and polishes here!

coconut kale facial

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are in no way intended to heal, prevent or treat any illness. Please consult your doctor if you are seeking medical advice.

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