10 things you should know about summer sunscreen

10 things you should know about summer sunscreen

Published by Gabrielle Barry on Feb 9th 2021

It’s officially June, beauties! Time to put that sun hat and SPF on! Did someone say cannonball? Let’s splash our way into all things sun care. With so many options to toss into your beach bag this summer, let’s explore ingredients, the best way to apply, and skin tips galore!

—Floppy hats and bare feet permitted beyond this point—

natural sunscreen floppy hat

1.Skip the Chemicals

Any of the following are not invited to the pool party: oxybenzone, avobenzone, octisalate, octocrylene, homosalate, or octinoxate. Sorry guys, you just do more harm than good. You don’t protect as well as mineral sunscreens. You break down in the sun. You even can act as hormone disrupters. Worst of all, you are hurting our bodies, and our planet. NEXT!

2.Zinc Oxide

A natural occurring mineral? Check.

Protection from UVA/UVB rays? Check.

Highly regarded ingredient by the Environmental Working Group? Check

Safe to apply to your skin? Check.

Safe for our bodies and the ocean reefs? Check!

Girl come on down we have a pool floaty waiting for you! Now there are some cons when it comes to a mineral sunscreen. They may leave a white cast, not apply as smoothly as a chemical based sunscreen, or feel like an extra thick coating.

Skin Tip! After applying, continue to rub the product into your skin. The warmth of your body heat will help the product sink in, potentially dissolving the white color that zinc can leave behind. Add a drop or two of your favorite oil when applying to create a more seamless application. This can also help remove the heavy feeling that some formulas create.

natural sunscreen cream

3.Skip the Sprays

Another big health concern is spray-on sunscreen. A potentially damaging product when inhaled; sunscreen, bug sprays, and makeup setting sprays with SPF need to be avoided at all costs. When spraying anywhere near your face, you inhale particles too small to be cleared by the lungs, potentially damaging your organs. Girl, bye! NEXT.

Skip Tip! While this option may seem easier to apply, especially for the little ones, try a sunscreen with a stick application for quick, easy no-mess application.

4.Titanium Dioxide

Zinc’s sunscreen sidekick, titanium dioxide, is another well-loved mineral to protect your beach bod. A runner up to zinc’s strong UVA protection, the two pair up in most non-chemical sunscreens. Usually the consistency of the pair is much smoother, and may blend better, than a zinc only based sunscreen.

Skin Tip! When looking for your next sunscreen, test a zinc based sunscreen on one hand, and a zinc and titanium blend on the other. Make sure to work both into the skin well, and see which formula you prefer!

5.SPF 30, 50, 100?

I’m about to drop a truth bomb here. Between all three numbers above there is a 1% difference in protection. Want to know something else? Just because you have a higher SPF doesn’t mean you can reapply less. Companies are trying to sell you a number to make you feel more protected. You need to reapply at least every two hours. I personally like to apply every 60 to 90 minutes for my body. For the face, neck, and chest I reapply every hour.

natural sunscreen

6.Let’s Take a Shot . . .

Of Sunscreen that is! A shot glass is a good measuring tool for how much sunscreen you should be applying every time. You really should be going through a couple bottles each summer, or beach season. Just be weary of expiration dates when next summer rolls around, and you dig through your long lost beach bag. Oh that’s where my flip flops went . . .

Skin Tip! Buy a bottle per family member. That way you will always have some on hand, and protection for all your loved ones. Spread the sun protection love!

7.How Should I Apply?

Usually, when we are on the beach, or at the pool, we see friends and family slathering sunscreen on, but are they getting the best protection that way? Think about how you apply your makeup. You want that perfect seamless look. Think of your sunscreen the same way. Work it into your face, and body, beauty-blender style. Pat it into your skin to get an even coating. Then simply blend it out to achieve a smooth, sun-protected canvas.

8.What about Vitamin D?

It’s true that sunscreen can block this very important vitamin. Here is my personal rule of thumb: always, always, always apply sunscreen to the face, neck, and chest. Between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., avoid exposure of direct sunlight, unless you are protected. Mornings and evenings are the safest time to soak up those rays for your daily dose of vitamin D. It only takes 10 minutes at most to get your daily recommended amount.

sun safety

9.Vitamin A in My Sunscreen?

A sneaky ingredient called retinal palmitate can also be found in sunscreens on the market. This is a big no-no when you are dealing with a potential carcinogenic effect when exposed to UV rays. It has even shown to cause tumors. Vitamin A, you are welcome in my night-time ritual as you do anti-age like no other, but girl you are not coming to my pool party. Take your tumors, inner tubes, and floaties right on out of here.

10.Be a Conscious Consumer

There are so many great resources for finding cleaner, greener, and blogger-approved beauty products., The Think Dirty App, and even walking through your local Whole Foods are great places to start your healthy journey.

Stay sun safe, and rock your SPF like a goddess,


Looking for natural oils with spf protection?  Read our blog all about them here!




Argan Republic cannot be held responsible for any actions made, implied or expressed by anyone as a result of this guidance.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are in no way intended to heal, prevent or treat any illness. Please consult your doctor if you are seeking medical advice.


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