
Gua Sha and Massage Tools

 Gua Sha, is a traditional Chinese healing technique used to support the lymphatic system and relax the face which can promote clearer and smoother looking skin. One of the main benefits of Gua Sha is decreased appearance of puffiness, purification, healthy circulation, and activating the skin's natural ability to renew. This leads to clearer, nourished, glowing skin. Gua Sha massage can also relieve muscle tension, reducing hardened facial expressions such as frown lines. Learn more about Gua Sha by checking out are blog here 

We recommend booking a Virtual Gua Sha class with holistic esthetician, Green Veggie Babe. Babe is certified in advanced facial gua sha, with hundreds of hours of education and professional treatments, as well as knowledgeable in fascia, the lymphatic system and holistic wellness. BOOK HERE

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