


  • I am required to tell you that any statements pertaining to the use or properties of my products have not been evaluated by the FDA and that my products are not intended to prevent, treat, or cure any disease. 


  • Wilder North LLC is not responsible for misuse nor shall Wilder North LLC be held responsible for any injuries, damages, or losses resulting from the use of these products. 


  • By reading and purchasing any products, you release Wilder North LLC from any liability arising out of the use of any products from Argan Republic.


  • "Content on our website and marketing materials, including social media and newsletter is provided for general informational purposes and should not be considered medical advice. Product information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Wilder North LLC products and information are not intended to alter or change the structure or function of skin ."
  • Wilder North cannot be held responsible for any actions made, implied or expressed by anyone as a result of this guidance.

    The statements on this website are for educational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are in no way intended to heal, prevent or treat any illness. Wilder North LLC products are in no way intended to heal, prevent or treat any illness, or medical condition. Wilder North LLC products should only be used by pregnant or lactating women after consulting a personal physician. Please consult your doctor if you are seeking medical advice.

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